Internet Strategy

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 Ehrlich Org

The Ehrlich Organization has developed a methodology called Connected Business Strategy, which it uses to help companies

Identify and exploit Internet business opportunities.
Redesign business processes.
Integrate business strategy and information systems strategy.

Our approach combines

New ideas in business strategy and business models.
Networked information systems technologies.
Reasoned judgment based on decades of experience.

Connected Business Strategy can be used for an entire organization or by individual business units. Our approach allows strategies to be developed at the business unit level and then combined and aligned to create a strategy for the organization.

Our Connected Business Strategy approach

Creates better connections to customers, suppliers, and partners in order to reduce time to market.
Designs efficient business processes to reduce costs.
Aligns business strategy and information systems strategy to eliminate waste.

Connected Business Strategy builds upon our 4A Analysis Tools.   These tools include an Opportunity Map that looks at combinations of Audiences, Applications, Assets, and Attention.

The 4A Opportunity Map provides a clear vision of:

Opportunities and threats in the networked business environment.
Where to invest for maximum return.
Priorities for business change and systems development.

To find out if our Connected Business Strategy can benefit your business, please call our San Francisco office at +1-415-441-7140 or e-mail us at


(c) 1998-2004 by The Ehrlich Organization, all rights reserved. 
Please report any problems to the webmaster.   Last updated on August 07, 2002.